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Guest Reviews

“I really liked the flexibility throughout the entire weekend. There was always opportunity and something to do. It was like a 5 star Shabbat.” 


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"I wanted to thank you so much for such an incredible and therapeutic experience. It was amazing to be able to connect with others and myself in your holy space. I also really appreciate the feedback you gave me. It’s very helpful for my journey.

-Shira Hes

“It was the best Tzfat experience possible. There is always something to occupy us in the most whole way possible. On Friday night, there were 20 people at the table, and everyone was in-tune and focused on one another. There was such energy at the table. The way it's set up, the standard of the Shabbat meal was really high. It was such a pleasure to be at.


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“Shlomo is wise and knowledgeable. He builds this Shabbat experience for people from all walks of life. He allows everyone to be who they are, and the accommodations are 5 stars.” 


"I want again to thank you for this magical Shabbat. You were a fantastic host 16 years ago in London, and you have manage to push the limits of hosting perfectly. On all levels... Thanks for opening your house, getting me meet so many beautiful people and souls, and for sharing your views and lifestyle with me the time of one shabbat. I will definitely love to come back soon. Shavua tov and be wel!!"


"Shalom Shlomo, Thank you for the most incredible Shabbat, it was out of this world. A truly unbelievable life changing experience. I would love to come again. Thank you for everything"

“Once you open the door, it is like an oasis. It is like you are in another land, and you are so surrounded by beauty. It is just so magical from the moment you enter, and then the accommodations are amazing.” 


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“It felt like coming to the Garden of Eden. There's a garden with fruits and trees and flowers. There was such a good vibe and the hospitality was very good. I felt very welcomed. Throughout the Shabbat, everything was new for me and interesting as well as emotional in a good way. I learned things about myself through other people that came from all walks of life.”


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